Sunday, November 20, 2016

Asssignment 6 - modelling a car

For this week I got more intimate with Maya. Following a set of videos I managed to set up reference pictures for what kind of car I was going to model which allowed me to much more easily change up the shape of a cube so it matched the general shape of the car in question.

I took the picture of the car and cut it up into its separate components so I could easily model the cube.

Once images were set up, it was all a matter of pulling vertices until I had the general shape. Keeping this thing under 3k tries was very difficult and if I could have gone above it, I would have made a lot more details and done some things differently. But at least with making this, I learned a lot of new tools to help make models. I got more familiar with shaping a cube like it was made of clay, and I got to experiment with reducing faces, merging vertices, and duplicating half a car into a full car.

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