Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fourth Assignement - Only Mechanics

For this level I ignored almost all sense of aesthetics and just focused on what I could make with blueprints and tested them out on the level. Everything is more a proof of concept rather than what the actual thing will be. Once I start implementing aesthetics, a lot of the setup for each area of the level will change and when they do, I can know for certain how I want things to be set up.

So I started as per usual with figuring out a general setting and theme for it. For this one, I went with heavy platforming and wanted it to take place inside a volcano.

After getting the basic idea of where I wanted things to be and what I wanted to happen in each area, I went ham with figuring out blueprints on how to make what I wanted.

I created two keys that the player knows if they have, a gate that needs the two keys turned in which is done with a key press, and it won't open till both have been turned in. I created wisps that teleports you away if you touch them, pillars that move up and down in the lava, and finally, I made a death floor.

With everything laid out, I tested out my level a few times with the current setup, and although it's not that good, it has the feel I'm going for, and once I get to the next week, I will lay it out properly.

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